Zirconia Powder Jet Mill Production Line for an Australian Company

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High-performance composite zirconia powder is widely used in various industries, including special ceramics, new energy, and new materials. It is utilized in optical communication devices, sensitive ceramics, biomedicine, solid fuel cells, cutting tools, and advanced refractory materials.

Due to the high density and hardness of zirconia, crushing it can be challenging. To improve crushing efficiency, it is necessary to choose the appropriate crushing equipment.

The customer is a well-known zirconia powder manufacturer from Australia with strong business capabilities. The company’s existing equipment can no longer meet the high-end market’s demands for product quality and output. Therefore, they contacted EPIC Powder for more advanced ultra-fine Fluidized Bed Air Jet Mill equipment. EPIC Powder provided a customized jet mill production line to meet their needs.




D97: 8-10μm



With the advancement of science and technology, numerous instruments and equipment that meet special conditions and functions have emerged. The demand for high-functionality materials and components is increasing. The global market for composite zirconia materials, known for high toughness, high-temperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and special optical properties, is growing rapidly.

Epic Powder provides production line of zirconia particles tailored to your needs. Please fill in below cantact form or get in touch with our technical staff if you have any questions. We will be glad to solve your problems.
