Vertical Fluidized Bed Jet Mill

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Vertical Fluidized Bed Jet Mill

MQL jet mill is a Fluidised Bed Opposed Jet Mill with a built-in vertical classifying wheel. After the high-pressure air is filtered and dried, it is sprayed into the grinding chamber through multiple Laval nozzles at high speed. The material is brought to the intersection point by multiple high-pressure airflows, and is crushed by repeated collision, friction, and shearing. The ground material is pumped by the fan. Under the action, it moves to the classification area with the upward airflow, and under the action of the strong centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotating classifying wheel, the coarse and fine materials are separated. The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements enter the cyclone separator and dust collector through the gap between the classifying wheel, and the coarse particles are collected. Descend to the grinding area to continue grinding.

Technical Advantages of Vertical Fluidized Bed Jet Mill

  • The grinding process is completed by the collision of the material itself, completely self-grinding, with minimal wear on the equipment, suitable forgrinding of various hardness materials.
  • The grinding form of fluidized bed collision can better maintain the shape of particles.
  • Low temperature and medium-free grinding, suitable for heat-sensitive, low-melting, sugar-containing, and volatile materials.
  • High-temperature and high-pressure grinding to achieve higher injection speed, lower dynamic viscosity, and highergrinding fineness and  efficiency.
  • Inner, classifying wheels, nozzles and other key components can be protected by wear-resistant materials such as alumina, zirconia, and silicon carbide, and organic materials to avoid contact with metal during the entire grinding process and obtain high-purity products.
  • The grading wheel is installed vertically, which can better control the fineness of products with low density and produce finer products.
  • Inert gas closed-circuit cycle/explosion-proof design, which can meet the grinding of flammable, explosive, easy to oxidize, and easy to absorb moisture materials.

Vertical Fluidized Bed Jet Mill Technical Parameters

parameter/ Model MQL03 MQL06 MQL010 MQL20 MQL30 MQL40 MQL60 MQL80 MQL120 MQL160 MQL240
Feeding Size(mm) <1 <2 <2 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Production Capacity(kg/h) 1~10 10~150 20~300 40~600 100~900 200~1200 500~2000 800~3000 1500~6000 2000~8000 4000~12000
Particle size(D97:μm) 6~150 6~150 6~150 6~150 8~150 8~150 8~150 8~150 8~150 8~150 8~150
Classifier motor (kw) 4 4 5.5 7.5 7.5 11 18.5 18.5 30 45 55
Air consumption(m³/min) 3 6 10 20 30 40 60 80 120 160 240
Air pressure(Mpa) 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1 0.6~1

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